Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thankgiving (and Birthdays)

It is early on Thankgiving morning and instead of sleeping in and enjoying the laziness of the day, Jignesh is getting ready for work! I have to admit that it is hard to be so far away from home the holidays...especially one that is not celebrated here. Turkey Day has always been one of my favorites holidays as it is about spending time with family and friends without the fuss and stress of giftgiving. Although we are getting together with some American friends this evening for a traditional Thankgiving meal (I am in charge of cranberry sauce and a veggie dish) there is just not the same feeling in the air. There is no talk of Thanksgiving travel and grocery stores are not filled with turkey trimming displays. There is no Macy's day parade or football previews. And all of those store advertisements are non-existent.

Yes, there are many things I am going to miss about today (arguing over Scrabble with Jen, running with Lauren, watching football with Dad, and pulling out the Christmas decorations with Mom) but I am still extremely thankful for so much in my life. Jignesh and I both have amazing families that we love and cherish. We have been given an opportunity to explore a different part of the world! Most of all, we have each other. Oh, and don't forget about our son! We are simply very lucky for all things that we have in life and this is the time to recognize and remember that.

To all our friends and family who are spread throughout the world, we want to wish you all very happy Thankgiving! Have a wonderful day and enjoy this time with each other. We love and miss you all!

Ok, now there are couple of turkey babies out there that need some special mention. My older sister Lauren, Jignesh's brother-in-law Bob, and our good friend Eyal (whew...there must be something in the water 9 months before this day!) will all be celebrating their birthdays today. Lauren is currently living in Ecuador as a Peace Corp volunteer so I have no idea how she will celebrate Turkey Day or her birthday. Maybe she will get a marriage proposal or two?! Bob will be having a huge gathering in Chicago with family and friends! I am sure that Eyal will be enjoying the day with family as well. Happy Birthday to you all. Cheers!


Lynne said...

We had a great Thanksgiving with family, and I completely agree with you about how great it is to spend time together without the Christmas "frazzle". I'm so glad you were able to have the traditional trimmings and time with good friends to celebrate. I'm sure it would have been perfect had your families been with you. Will look forward to your pictures from the Canary Islands. Be safe!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the Tday call. It was great to chat. I ate chicken and spent my bday and tday in a national park with other volunteers. it was not as great as running the Tday race in Cincy with you but it was nice.

love and miss you
