Monday, January 12, 2009


We live in truly unprecedented times! No, not because Barack Obama is our president-elect or even because of the economy, but because Jignesh is finally the author of a blog entry (yes, this one). I hope that you (our loyal audience of 2-3 people) can forgive my utter lack of contribution to this blog effort up until this point, but my excuse…up until this point…has always been that, naturally, Kat has more time to write something while I slave away at the fruits of labor. Well, my pathetic excuse is no longer valid. Today, Kat started her new job!

She will be the new Duty Manager at Highbury Pool & Fitness Centre, a job for which she is obviously well-suited and I’m sure that she will enjoy. Although Kat may tell you otherwise, it was no stroke of dumb luck that put her in a job in this economy within only a couple months of actively starting her search. Dumb luck or pure charm notwithstanding, I think it’s quite an accomplishment to land a nice job like this so quickly in a foreign country and I for one am very proud of her! Although she may have to work some weekends every now and then, we will undoubtedly continue to travel and see as much of Europe as possible during our time here.

Above all else, the best thing about a new job in the UK will be the experience of working and socializing as a local with the Brits. As Kat regularly declares, she is truly becoming more and more integrated into the UK culture and lifestyle, and this job will certainly enhance her experience in an even richer, deeper way than what I am doing. Note that although we came to the UK for my job, ironically enough, I still work with a bunch of Americans. In this regard, Kat seems to be getting more regular exposure to the UK people, culture and lifestyle than I have been…I must admit I’m a bit jealous! No matter though as I still think I have the edge on being able to do a good British accent.

So, here’s to wishing Kat the very best in her new job! And I suppose now that I’ve finally broken down and done a blog entry, I may need to find another excuse for not writing more often. Oh wait a minute, where did Kat put the credit card? I think I need to go shopping!!!



Anonymous said...

I have an idea...your wife could use a red hobo bag as a congrats on her new job present!

Lynne said...

Great blog, Jiggy! Now that Kat is working, too, maybe we'll be reading from you both. I look forward to hearing about your future travels. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I do not know what a red hobo bag is (see comment posted), but I wish Kat congrats nonetheless on the new gig.

Jay and Galit